Ubud: Three Days in Bali’s Cultural Heart

Ubud, known to many as the cultural heart of Bali. A place that will whisk you off your feet and a few days stay can easily turn into a few weeks. There are so many things to keep you busy in Ubud, from chasing waterfalls and exploring rice terraces to drinking cat poo coffee and running from monkeys. Here’s what we got up to with 3 days in Ubud!

Ubud Day 1

Romantic Breakfast in Bed

What could be better than pancakes? Pancakes in bed of course! Waking up to a romantic breakfast in bed was a perfect way to start our three day adventure in Ubud. We stayed at the Dedary Kriyamaha who treated us like royalty.


Haggle your way around Ubud Market

Find yourself in the hustle and bustle of Ubud town where there are plenty of shops to suit all needs. We ventured into the centre to explore the famous markets and attempt to haggle a bargain. If you’re after a Bali bag, then welcome to Bali bag heaven! To be honest, every market seller seemed to be offering the same product as each other and were fighting to tell you they had the best price. I would describe it as a lot of tat but the atmosphere was worth experiencing. I was very sensible and didn’t spend any money.

Ubud Monkey Forest

In the heat of the day, head into the shade of the Ubud Monkey Forest, home to many grey long-tailed macaques. You can spend the afternoon watching the mischievous monkeys swinging through the jungle canopy, lazing around the footpath, or in our case running away from them.

We reached an opening featuring beautiful ancient temples and statues covered in moss which seemed to be a popular spot for both monkeys and tourists alike. Farley thought it would be a good idea to head around to the back of the temple where nobody was to take some photos. BAD IDEA. We reached the back and before we could blink there was 100 monkey faces staring at us.

Regretting our decision, we immediately turned around but it didn’t take long for a monkey to jump and attach himself to me, pulling my trousers down. It wouldn’t let go and Farley couldn’t help, he had monkey troubles of his own! I was so worried of being bitten, I pretended to throw food behind me. It wasn’t having any of it and instead gave me the look of “you dare try that again…”

Eventually, and I can’t remember how as it was all a bit of a blur the monkey let go and I ran! It was a traumatic experience and I’m quite happy if I never see the Ubud monkeys again.

Ubud Day 2

Sunrise at Tegallalang Rice Terraces

On our second day in Ubud we rose early and made our way to Bali’s most famous rice paddies to watch the sun rise. Our hotel was just a 15 minute drive from Tegallalang rice fields which was super convenient. When we arrived, we seemed to be the only two people there. We beat the tourist buses, fellow backpackers and even the local farmers hadn’t arrived to start their day.

We spent around 1 hour exploring every corner of the rice terraces and were blown away by the views. Usually, you are required to pay donations to the farmers when you enter a new terrace so remember to bring small change. And don’t be fooled into thinking there is one Bali swing, there are many swings dotted about charging a lot less!

Sunset Stroll at Campuhan Ridge Walk

A popular spot no matter what time of day. We ended our second day in Ubud with a sunset walk down Bali’s most famous scenic mountain valley hiking trail. The Campuhan Ridge Walk is completely free and a very easy trek where you can immerse yourself in nature. In total it is around 9km long but the most popular spot is 2km south of the trail. It is a very good spot to fly a drone!

Dinner at MyWarung Ubud 

End your day with a hearty meal at MyWarung Ubud. Located in the heart of Ubud, this restaurant is trendy, lively and serves up the most delicious food. Go with an empty stomach because you’ll be wanting the full three courses!

Ubud Day 3

Floating Breakfast

Start your day like no other with a very instagrammable poolside breakfast. A floating breakfast has been on my bucket list a while and there is no better place to experience it than in Bali! It was so refreshing waking up, putting on a bikini, getting into the pool and being greeted by floating pancakes, waffles, toast, fresh fruit, yoghurt and juice. Another delicious breakfast from Dedary Kriyamaha.

Soak up the Sunshine in your Private Pool

After breakfast, we spent the morning lounging around our villa and taking full advantage of our private pool. An absolute dream come true. If you haven’t already, go have a read of my full review of the the Dedary Kriyamaha. I highly recommend anyone travelling to Bali for a honeymoon, birthday, anniversary or simply looking to treat yourself to book accommodate with a private pool.

Do go chasing waterfalls

I can’t get enough of waterfalls and the ones in Bali are stunning. Tegenungan waterfall was pretty BUT very touristy and really quite disappointing. It was a shame to see how a waterfall could be so commercialised. On one side of the canyon, a three story day club blasting music has been built which really spoils the natural beauty that it is meant to be.

One waterfall that truly took my breath away was one that I couldn’t even tell you the name. We were taken to a secret waterfall hidden somewhere deep in Ubud’s jungle which nobody else knew about. It was magic.

Relax with a massage

The only way to end our three day Ubud adventure was with a relaxing Balinese massage. Both of us being massage virgins, we booked a couples spa treatment to experience it together. Despite Farley giggling because he’s ticklish, the massage was heavenly. If you’re looking to treat yourself to an invigorating massage, I would recommend using the spas found in hotels and guesthouses.

I hope this helps you plan your trip to Ubud! If you have any questions or would like to share your Ubud adventures with me please drop me a message!

Love Steph