MELBOURNE: One Week Already!

I can’t believe we’ve been in Melbourne for a week! It feels like only yesterday we were saying our goodbyes at the airport which was, as expected, emotional.

We flew economy with Qatar airways, who I have to say we’re excellent. The seats were comfortable, the inflight entertainment was vast, the journey was smooth and nothing was too much for the cabin crew. Of course, the food was just your average plane food so nothing world class. We arrived in Melbourne at 6:30PM (local time) and after a short journey to our accommodation and a bite to eat we were in bed hoping to avoid the dreaded jet lag. It’s safe to say that this was not the case. I am still waking up super early every morning, partly due to my body still adjusting and partly because I am so excited as to what we might get up to the following day! I keep telling myself to chill but it’s just not happening!

We have wasted no time at all here in Melbourne and every day has been jam packed with activities (my doing, Farley is probably sick of me)! We have been walking over 15,000 steps a day to the point where Farley’s feet are bleeding, literally!

We ventured into the CBD on day 1 and started off with the boring stuff: sorting our Commonwealth bank account and mobile phones. We chose the network Optus who offered the best deal in comparison to its competitors, Telstra and Vodafone.

After, we had lunch along the Southbank and spent the afternoon visiting the Shrine of Remembrance and the Royal Botanical Gardens of Victoria all of which were free so no money spent

Day 2, we took a walk into Williamstown and visited the pier and beach. From the photo you can see it’s rather cloudy and by the time we reached the beach it decided to rain so we weren’t there for long! It is true when they say Melbourne has four seasons in a day!

On our walk home we stopped by Coles, an Australian supermarket chain, to pick up some bits for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We are doing our best to budget where we can and not eat out all the time meaning we have more money to spend on day trips and experiences.

Day 3, we were back in the city and we visited the National Gallery of Victoria. I am by no means an art enthusiast but this place had some really cool exhibits which you could interact with, plus entry is free so it made for a really good day out.

Continuing with our new found cultural selves, on day 4 we spent the morning at the Melbourne Museum. Tickets cost $15 each which was reasonable with the amount to see.

After lunch we walked back to the Flinders St. via China Town and picked up a tram to St. Kilda beach (approx $4) where we enjoyed our FIRST Australian alcoholic beverage along the seafront. We then took a walk down the pier where we saw a penguin in the rocks! 🐧 It made my day, until I then saw a jelly fish!

Day 5 was HOT so what better way to spend it than with a beach day at Williamstown beach. It was delightful and a well deserved day resting our feet!

Yesterday (Day 6 also Valentines Day), we visited the famous laneways in Melbourne CBD which were full of colourful and interesting street art. I can see why they are a popular attraction for tourists, I couldn’t believe how many people there were taking pictures!

We then enjoyed a drink at Ponyfish Island before spending the afternoon window shopping – I am being so good!

So that brings us to Day 7, one week already! It’s only 8AM, and Farley is still asleep but today we are off to Melbourne Zoo!! If you hadn’t guessed I am rather excited and have been awake since 5AM – bloody jet lag!

Anyway the early start gave me a good opportunity to fill you in on the journey so far. I am loving every minute of Melbourne and I especially love being able to wear shorts and a t-shirt everyday in February!

Catch you later,

Miss Health & Safety aka Steph