Skip staying Townsville, board the ferry and head straight to Magnetic Island. Most backpackers I’ve spoken too have completely missed “Maggie’s” (as locals call it) off their travel itinerary. But WHY!?

8kms from Townsville’s shore line and just a 20 minute ferry ride away, Magnetic Island is a haven to have fun, explore, relax and enjoy paradise. The return ferry will set you back $33 per person but it’s worth it.

We headed to Maggie’s to meet up and explore the island with two beautiful people we’d met in the Whitsunday’s. Which, can I just say is what makes travel so incredible. You meet these people along the way that you feel like you’ve known forever. Its part of what makes for the most amazing memories.

Farley and I only had 24 hours on Maggie’s, so as soon as we stepped off the ferry onto island life we were keen for the adventure to get going. And now, I want to share with you my five favourite adventures…


You simply cannot visit Magnetic Island and not complete The Forts Walk. As well as breathtaking panoramic views along the way, The Forts Walk tells a story. The old forts were built during World War II and during our hike to the top, I could only imagine the struggle the soldiers went through on their daily routine climb.

What makes the walk even better is the fluffy wild koala bears that inhabit the trees. The Forts Walk is an easy place to spot them. We saw at least 6 on the way to the top of the Forts. They can be close to the path so keep an eye out for those terrifying drop bears!

The trail begins at the Forts Car Park and is approximately a 2.8km trek. It is moderate in difficulty. I wore flip flops (thongs) and was perfectly fine. Make sure you have plenty of water.

The views were spectacular. Especially from the highest point, where you can expect to see stunning 360 degree views of the island.GO TOPLESS AROUND THE ISLAND I know what you’re thinking but not that kind of topless! Maggie’s isn’t very big and it doesn’t take long to drive around the island, but why would you want to take the public bus when you could be driving around in an awesome topless mini convertible from Tropical Topless Car Rentals.

I thought we were the definition of cool. I felt like the real life Mario kart. Especially when surrounded by many other mini convertibles zooming past.We split the hire cost of $80 between the four of us so it worked out so cheap. The only downside was that we were not able to explore the West Coast with this as you are required to have a 4WD. My recommendation to you if you want a cool colour, aka the pink car, is to book and request in advance.SOAK UP THE SUNSHINE ON THE BEACH

Magnetic Island is not short of dreamy hidden bays and beaches; Horseshoe bay, Florence bay, Arthur bay, Radical bay, Balding bay, Nelly bay, Picnic bay to name a few. Is a beach crawl a thing?

Hopping from bay to bay is well worth it. They’re all so picturesque and most of the time the beaches are empty! Lying on the sand, soaking up the sunshine and even going for a snorkel is the perfect way to spend any sunny day on Magnetic Island.


There is a beautiful spot on Magnetic Island that is home to a colony of friendly wallabies. At the old Fantasea ferry harbor in Arcadia the wallabies that live within the rocks will come up and eat food out of your hand. The best time catch them is late afternoon just before sunset.

Technically, we shouldn’t actually feed the rock wallabies because they’re wild and should be left to fend for themselves. However most of us humans suffer from a weak spot for cute animals and can’t resist. If you do decide to feed them, then make sure it’s suitable wallaby food. This includes carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, paw paw and wallaby pellets. If you take fruit and veg make sure it’s chopped up into small pieces so the little wallabies can easily take out of your hands.SUNSET AT HORSESHOE BAY

Like us, if you have the coolest mini convertible in the world but not a 4WD, then West Point for sunset is not possible. Nevertheless, Horseshoe Bay is the next best option. Take a picnic dinner, a bottle of wine and take a seat on the beach and get ready to enjoy dreamy sunset views.So there you have my five favourite adventures and must dos whilst on Magnetic Island. Have you been exploring yet to Maggie’s? I’d love to hear your favourite things to do.

See you soon

Miss Healthy & Safety aka Steph