SYDNEY: 5 Days in the city

Home to the famous Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, I can only describe Sydney as a busier, hotter and more expensive London.

I am by no means a city girl, far from it. I like to avoid large crowds, public transport and constant rush hour where possible. Back home, I live in a bubble of safety and a trip into Central London is my idea of a nightmare (I sound like an old fart). Farley and I spent just five days in Sydney and for us that was plenty.

Now, what is pretty much every tourists first point of call when in the city…why the iconic landmarks of course. It would be rude not too. We walked through the Royal Botanical Gardens to Mrs Macquarie’s Chair which we’d been told had a super view of the Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge. After only ever seeing pictures on the internet or TV I could hardly believe I was about to see it for myself in person.

I agree the view over the city was rather amazing. However after 5 minutes I thought the roof of the Opera House could do with a wash. The building just wasn’t as white and pristine as I’d envisioned it being. After spending way to long thinking about it, we walked into the city and caught a ferry to Manly Beach. Such amateurs we were not realising we’d been conned into the fast ferry, costing us quadruple the normal price! People, be aware and don’t be fooled, there is a public ferry that wished we’d known about.

Speaking of public transport, a handy hint, with the Opal Cards on Sundays in Sydney you can travel anywhere and will only be charged a maximum of $2.60 for the whole day. How cheap is that!

Back to our first ferry trip and a few weeks earlier we’d heard over the radio that Bournemouth Beach was voted better than Manly. If that’s the case why on earth did I come to Australia! Whilst Bournemouth is very close to my heart and yes it does have a lovely sandy beach, but after visiting Manly, I’m really not sure how Bournemouth got the vote? Manly beach was gorgeous and was made even better with a glass multiple glasses of fizz.

I must admit I didn’t fall in love with the city but what I do like about Sydney is that it has its fair share of glorious beaches. One of our days was spent doing the Bondi to Coogee Beach walk, which I strongly recommend. A 6km trek (comfy shoes necessary) through the beautiful beaches and cliff faces of Bondi, Tamarama, Bronte, Clovelly and Coogee.

I didn’t get the WOW factor from Bondi and instead thought it’s a little overrated. Bondi Icebergs seems to be a hotspot for a photo opportunity and not for actual swimming. I never knew before the walk that most of the beaches, not just Bondi, have their own rock pools that you can swim in. The rock pools make for a perfect place to relax, whilst still being in the ocean and happen to be a lot less busy than Bondi. After the walk we were in need of a bite to eat (no one likes a hangry Steph). Coogee Pavillion had been recommended to us and as we always like to try out new places, that was our restaurant of choice.

Farley and I chose to share the Nutella Calzone, described on the menu as “Nutella, Nutella, Nutella!” I’m not sure if it would be considered a main course or dessert? But oh my gosh, NUTELLA HEAVEN, mouthwatering, delicious, unbelievably tastiness, devoured within 10 minutes. Everybody needs to try Nutella Calzone. I’m having Nutella withdrawal symptoms just thinking about it. I’m not sure the pictures do it justice but trust me, it’s to die for. Food and sensational views seem to be what are driving my travel journey. Another beach we visited was Queens Beach, a gorgeous little spot with city views. It was a lot of fun sunbathing whilst watching the boats come in and the sea planes fly over on their tours.

Another view that I thought might be worth it was the view from Sydney Harbour Bridge. We decided to walk from one side of the bridge to the other and it was far from how I imagined it to be. It’s not a very pretty Bridge. I felt like I was queuing up for the Saw Ride at Thorpe Park in the middle of the M25. I didn’t realise how long it would take us. Another disappointment was that there isn’t much to do over the other side of the bridge apart from Luna Park. We thought let’s ferry it back to the city for some lunch. Only wait, what had we forgotten…the Opal cards…time to walk over the bridge again! I’d reached hangry boiling point by the time we found food.

Despite the delicious food and picturesque beaches I didn’t fall in love with Sydney. We made the most of our time there and certainly had fun but when it came to the end of day 5, we were ready to say goodbye to the city.

Where to next you wonder? The Gold Coast!

Catch you later

Miss Health & Safety aka Steph